Learn more about our recreation programs
What does it consist of?
Enjoying life’s fun moments is essential for the psychosocial and physical development of our community. For this reason, we encourage recreational activities that foster emotional and physical development, promoting coexistence and trust among all. With joy and enthusiasm, we organize events that not only entertain, but also strengthen community ties.
We believe that, through recreation, we can build a more united and healthy community, where each person feels supported and valued. Together, we celebrate life and create unforgettable memories that enrich us all!
Experience Gallery
Know what we do
Through the following programs we reach children, youth, adults and seniors in the community of El Zonte.
Do you want to change a child’s life?
Thanks to your donations, Hope House is transforming lives in El Zonte. We are young people committed to spirituality, education, recreation and community support. Every contribution is a force that drives change and allows us to continue building a better future. Join us and be part of this transformation!
Donate in Bitcoin
1. Open your Bitcoin Beach wallet
2. Select scan QR
3. Enter the amount and send your donation
1. Scan with your camera or QR reader.
2. Open the address in a browser and type in the amount to donate.
3. Scan or copy and paste into your favorite lightning wallet and donate.