
About the program

We understand that the economic burden can be a major obstacle for many families, preventing young people from continuing their education. We recognize the importance of supporting parents in our community so that finances are not a barrier. Therefore, we have implemented a student transportation program to alleviate this burden.

Youth served

14 to 18 years

Age range


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Our goal is to ensure that all youth in Taquillo, Julupe, Shutia and El Zonte have access to education without additional financial concerns. We know that providing safe and reliable transportation is crucial for students to get to school and back home safely, thus ensuring their attendance and educational continuity.

We work for them

We work so that every young person has the opportunity to receive a complete and quality education. We believe that education is the key to a bright future and that no one should abandon it for economic reasons.

Our commitment is unwavering: we support families, strengthen our community and build a more educated and equitable El Salvador. With initiatives like student transportation, we are creating an environment where all young people can reach their full potential. Together, we are ensuring that education is accessible to all!

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Do you want to change a child’s life?

Thanks to your donations, Hope House is transforming lives in El Zonte. We are young people committed to spirituality, education, recreation and community support. Every contribution is a force that drives change and allows us to continue building a better future. Join us and be part of this transformation!

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